Flutter: Follow these few steps if you face issues after updating the flutter version.

If you are a flutter app developer then you know how hard to run the app in debug mode manage it after updating the flutter version or xCode or iOS version.

After a few days of the suffering problem, I think those steps should follow first when you will face the problem.

I was facing this problem after updating my iOS version to 15.02 and flutter 2.5.3

warning: The iOS deployment target 'IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET' is set to 8.0, but the range of supported deployment target versions is 9.0 to 15.0.99.

Note: If need to set your targeted platform then you can set it from (Optiona) Podfile platform :ios, '12.0' (Optional)

1. Make sure your iOS version is supported from xCode if not must update your xCode.

2. Update flutter all packages by run

flutter packages upgrade (Optional)

Check outdated packages if need.

flutter pub outdated

3. Delete file ios/Podfile.lock

4. Run this command after going to ios folder.

pod install --repo-update

5. Then go back to the project directory and run.

flutter clean

6. Finally run again your project by running the below command.

flutter run

7. Run from xCode for the first time after following all steps.

Hope your problem will solve by following those steps.

Happy coding 🙂